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Nath Milburn - Director/DP/Editor/Producer/Colorist
Luke Baker - Producer
Chloe Erlandson - Performer/Choregraphy
Scott Cardona - G&E/PA

WRGOABABD (2021 - short dance film)
runtime / 3 minutes

But, say you, surely there is nothing easier than for me to imagine art, for instance, on paper, or a dancer existing on a stage, and nobody by to perceive them.

The objects of sense exist only when they are perceived; the dancer therefore on video... no longer than while there is somebody by to perceive them.

Everything Is Noise Write Up
Earsplit PR Write Up


Amsterdam Lift-Off Film Festival - Official Selection
Austin Lift-Off Film Festival - Official Selection
Berlin Lift-Off Film Festival - Official Selection
Los Angeles Lift-Off Film Festival - Official Selection
Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival - Official Selection
New York Lift-Off Film Festival - Official Selection
Tokyo Lift-Off Film Festival - Official Selection
Toronto Lift-Off Film Festival - Official Selection
lil' spooky fest - Official Selection